As AI continues to evolve and potentially replace jobs across industries, a crucial question arises: What skills should we focus on to thrive in this new era? While AI can automate a wide range of tasks, it struggles in areas where human complex problem-solving abilities excel—domains rooted in intangible variables such as motivation, intention, culture, emotions, and social dynamics.
Skills like analytics, creativity, and critical thinking are essential—not only because AI struggles to replicate the nuanced authenticity of these human faculties, but also because these skills require a systematic approach to addressing problems that are subjective, unstructured, and context-dependent.
To fully answer this question, it is crucial to first understand AI's capabilities and limitations about the skills demanded by today’s jobs.
AI's capability
To begin with, let’s examine the skills where AI excels at replicating human capacities. One study links 10 AI applications—abstract strategy games, real-time video games, image recognition, visual question answering, image generation, reading comprehension, language modeling, translation, speech recognition, and instrumental track recognition—with 52 human abilities, such as oral comprehension, oral expression, inductive reasoning, and arm-hand steadiness. The study ranks the overlapping jobs as follows.1
Top Overlapping Skills:
Language-focused tasks and information delivery, such as those performed by professors, rank at the top.
Programming and writing also show strong alignment with AI's capabilities, particularly in areas like automated coding and content generation.2 For instance, OpenAI’s o1-preview with AIDE scaffolding — achieves at least the level of a Kaggle bronze medal in 16.9% of competitions.3
Bottom Overlapping Skills:
Physical activities like dancing require not only coordinated movement but also emotional expression and social interaction—elements that AI cannot replicate. Additionally, when we consider physical activities more deeply, I hypothesize that AI struggles with understanding or measuring intangible human experiences, such as motivation, intention, and the cultural context of real-world interactions.
Science and critical thinking skills are strongly negatively associated LLM capability because these tasks often involve subjective reasoning, intuitive insights, and an understanding of context that AI is not yet capable of replicating (GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models).
Ultimately, it’s clear that AI is better suited to tasks involving structured information and defined processes, while human skills that rely on physical dexterity, creativity, and nuanced judgment and data flowing in the real world are less likely to be replaced soon.
The pitiful of AI capability
Despite the remarkable productivity improvements AI can bring to tasks, it still struggles with jobs that require a deeper understanding of context and critical thinking. Research has shown that even BCG consultants using AI were 12.2% more productive and completed tasks 25.1% faster than those who did not use AI, when tasks required context-based problem-solving, such as case interviews, consultants using AI were 19% less likely to produce correct solutions.4 In Singularity is Near, the definition of complexity is the minimum amount of meaningful, non-random, but unpredictable information needed to characterize a system of process. Based on this definition, as data and context complexity grow, the presence of random or irrelevant information may skew AI's ability to make accurate decisions.
Similar findings were observed with recruiters who, when working with low-quality AI, adapted to interact more effectively with the tools. The key takeaway is that over-reliance on AI can weaken critical thinking and create a bias toward AI-generated solutions.5 While AI may analyze a candidate's skill set, it cannot accurately assess cultural fit, motivation, or personal character—factors critical to team dynamics. Effective collaboration between humans and AI happens when experts apply their own knowledge to critically evaluate AI outputs.6
In the short term, although AI can boost productivity, we cannot rely on it entirely. Human evaluation, active engagement, and critical dialogue with AI are essential to achieving the best outcomes.
What Should We Focus on Learning?
First, we need to understand AI's impact on the job market—whether it enhances current responsibility or replaces the role entirely. For example, Devon AI aims to mimic a junior software engineer, while Cursor AI focuses on enhancing the productivity of existing engineers.
I argue that we should prioritize learning skills that AI struggles to replace—particularly those that involve complex problem-solving where judgment is subjective, problems are unstructured, and context matters, with involvement of uncharacterizable information, such as motivation, emotions, and interpersonal dynamics. While AI can automate many tasks, it cannot address the nuanced challenges that arise in areas shaped by intangible variables mingled with the complexity of the existing problem context.
Take my experience building a Duolingo-like leaderboard, for example. AI might be able to generate the basic code for a leaderboard, but the design and strategic decisions behind it are much more complex. System design is an inherently unstructured problem—there is no single "correct" solution. Decisions about scaling, optimizing for user experience, and ensuring smooth operation in varying conditions involve judgment calls that depend on a deep understanding of the context.
While AI can handle technical elements like infinite scrolling or efficient ranking, the priority of implementation is based on constraints of engineering resources and feature priority. In addition, it cannot fully grasp how user motivation might change based on how the leaderboard is structured. Is a simple ranking system motivating useful, or would an other system—like a progress bar—better encourage user engagement? These questions require human insight, as they depend on understanding how different users may feel or be motivated by their experience, which AI cannot anticipate with the same depth.
Additionally, when designing a system, you must consider the social dynamics of your users. For example, how can a database design be considered that can allow more user competition in the future? Is it by leaderboard leagues? Daily vs weekly vs all-time competition? Or compete against your schools? These decisions are rooted in a deeper understanding of user behavior, business strategy, and the context —areas where AI lacks the insight needed to make meaningful choices. The broader thinking required combining product insights and system design—such as scaling, optimization, and user experience considerations—is more complex. Let alone as user needs and strategic goals evolve, so too must these considerations.
In conclusion, while AI is transforming industries, its limitations in contextual understanding, nuanced judgment, and addressing intangible human factors highlight the enduring value of human-centric skills like creativity and critical thinking. While machines may surpass human intelligence in the distant future, the immediate focus should be on areas where AI falls short—unstructured problem-solving, contextual analysis, and incorporating human elements like social dynamics—while leveraging AI’s efficiency to enhance human potential.
隨著人工智慧(AI)不斷發展,AI 可能取代各行各業的工作,這時候最關鍵的問題變成:我們應該專注於學習哪些技能,才能在這個新時代中茁壯成長?儘管AI能自動化各種工作,但它在複雜問題解決能力的領域仍然存在困難,特別是當這些領域涉及無形變量時。像是動機、意圖、文化、情感和社交關係。
儘管AI能顯著提高任務的生產力,它仍然在需要深入理解上下文和批判性思維的工作中遇到困難。研究顯示,即使是使用AI的BCG顧問,也比未使用AI的人更具生產力(提高了12.2%),並且完成任務的速度快了25.1%,但當任務需要基於上下文的問題解決時,例如案例面試,使用AI的顧問解決正確問題的可能性反而降低了19%。在 Singularity is Near 中,複雜性的定義是描述系統過程所需的最低有意義的、非隨機的、但不可預測的信息量。根據這一定義,隨著數據和問題背景的複雜性增長,隨機或無關的信息可能會負面影響AI做出準確決策的能力。
首先,我們需要了解AI對勞動市場的影響—它是增強現有職責還是完全取代這一角色。例如,Devon AI旨在模擬初級軟件工程師,而Cursor AI則專注於提升現有工程師的生產力。
以我在建構類似 Duolingo 排行榜的經驗為例。AI可能能夠生成排行榜的基本代碼,但其設計和背後的戰略決策則要複雜得多。系統設計本質上是一個無結構的問題—沒有單一的“正確”解決方案。關於擴展、優化用戶體驗和確保在不同條件下平穩運行的決策,都涉及到需要深刻理解公司背景及策略的判斷。